
brain fever



brain fever为短语/超纲词汇

brain fever

inflammation of the brain 脑膜炎.
1. Explosions of rage pump up the brain's arousal system, leaving you more angry, not less.

2. Because females do not have this tendency (this brain division is known to be influenced by male sex chemicals), girls who perform well in mathematics are doing so because they are superior in their overall mental development.

3. Brain research shows that our view of the world is limited by our genes and the experiences we've had.

4. But brain theory could simply not explain the questions we wonder about most:

5. When the baby developed a fever, Mother telephoned the pediatrician.

6. When she was nineteen months old, she fell ill and had a fever.

7. When he finishes, the entire reading, writing, and math patterns he needs to know are impressed right on his brain.

8. Why fool around for years drilling kids, when all education really is made up of is a set of very mixed brain patterns?

9. Within the first six months of life the human brain doubles in capacity; it doubles again by age four and then grows rapidly until we reach sexual maturity.

10. The house was thoroughly disinfected after he had had scarlet fever.
    他得过猩红热后, 这间屋子彻底消了毒。
